Symbolic Franc Award Ceremony to Communities Whose Lands Are Located Within the Eco Zamba Project Area
As part of the implementation of the Eco Zamba project, the General Manager of SNPC conducted the symbolic franc award ceremony to the communities associated with this afforestation project covering 50,000 hectares in the Plateaux Batéké region.
This ceremony took place in the presence of:
The Minister of Forestry Economy;
The Chief of Staff of the Minister of State for Land Affairs and Public Domain;
Honorable Members of Parliament from the Plateaux region;
Local authorities;
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of SNPC;
Members of the Board of Directors of SNPC.
Through this action, the Congolese State wishes to fully involve the populations of the Batéké Plateau region in the Eco Zamba project, both in the benefits...
This ceremony represents an opportunity for the SNPC to:
Express its gratitude to all the families who support and host the Eco Zamba project;
Thank the Ministry of Forest Economy and the Ministry of Land Affairs and Public Domain for their collaboration in developing this project;
Review the key steps that have been accomplished since the beginning of the project.
Eco Zamba is a project that will, among other things, allow:
Forest ecosytem development
Development of agricultural sectors
the creation of direct and indirect jobs for local populations, particularly for youth and women